More Forgotten Pictures: July

I found some other pictures that I had not uploaded yet, check them out:

From July:
Yeril and I went to a Quinseñera
We had our first (hopefully) annual soccer tournament for the youth at the church)
We had several carnivals for the kids this summer, check out the one at our second kids’ center location
The Refuge Project got a new wall… check out how the old one came down!
A couple pics from Segundo Paso

From August:
Crossroads Church Team doing a Clown skit

The Wedding!!

The Wedding has now come and gone. Yeril and I are both glad to finally be able to start settling into our lives together that doesn’t include a lot of cross-city traveling and wedding planning! The wedding was beautiful even with a last minute location change due to rain. We knew that a wedding in Nicaragua in mid-May may have a rain-delay so we had a back-up plan and I had great friends that helped pull it off smoothly. The rain did however cause a delay in the groom making it to the wedding site on-time, however, the show went on!

We had a great time with my family and a few friends being here for all of the pre-, and some post, wedding activities. It was really cool for me to see my two worlds colliding in such a foreign (literally) environment. One of the many highlights for me was when my Father-in-law, brother, and a good friend played a song together at the reception. It was a beautiful mix of my life, friends, family, new family, and music.

After the wedding I still and family and friends in town. Yeril and I had decided that even though we just got married, that it was a once in a lifetime opportunity to spend time with them here so we took advantage of it. We spent two days with my family and then we left town for our honeymoon. It was nice to get to relax together and I was able to see the town that he was born in. I was also able to meet some of his family that was unable to make it to the wedding.

Here are links to pictures from the wedding and the honeymoon. Enjoy!

The Rehearsal and Wedding

Visiting Granada with My Parents

The Honeymoon: Condega and Estili, Nicaragua

Birthday Pictures

Yeril and I celebrate our birthdays about a week apart. He turned 29 on August 28th, and I turned 28 today (September 5)! We were fortunate to be able to celebrate our birthdays with friends. I have some pictures from each day. Today Yeril and I went to church then we took a trip to El Crucero and San Marcos, two small towns just south of Managua. After that we went to a friend’s house where they threw me a birthday party, I didn’t take any pictures at the party but hope to get the pictures that others took soon so I can share them as well. I hope you enjoy! Click on the pictures below to see the rest of the photos:

Happy Birthday Katie

Matagalpa trip with Friends

Last weekend I went to Matagalpa with my good friends Oscar and Arlen and their kids, Oscar also invited another friend of ours, Yeril. We’d had the trip planned for a couple months because there was going to be a birthday party for one of Arlen’s nieces, but they decided to change the date of the party. Arlen is 8 1/2 months pregnant so we weren’t sure if we should still go, she’d been feeling like the baby, Sindey Kathleen (named after me), would come soon. We risked it and went anyway.

We left early on Sunday morning, so on Saturday after the youth service I went and stayed at Oscar and Arlen’s and we left at 6 am to take the bus across town to meet Yeril and take another bus to Matagalpa. We mostly spent our time relaxing at Arlen’s sister’s house drinking coffee, watching TV, and talking. But we also took a walk to Arlen’s brother’s house across town. About half-way there I thought were were close so I said to Jacksel, the oldest child of Oscar and Arlen and the only one who went on the walk with us, “let’s run” so we did that a couple times. Little did I know that we were going to climb to the top of the mountain! It was well worth it in the end. We also got to visit Arlen’s grandmother, and spend some time in a central park afterwards. It was a great trip and we took a ton of pictures, mostly Oscar took pictures like a tourist.

To view the pictures click here

More Weekend Fun!

So one of the benefits of living in Nicaragua is that the ocean is only an hour away and so taking a quick trip on the weekend is easy. Last weekend I went to the beach with Chase and Julie Russell (thanks for driving guys!), Ileana (her last free weekend before beginning as part-time dorm mom at House of Hope), and Arlen and the kids. To see some pics, click here.

A Weekend with Lester

This weekend I got to know my friend Lester a little better. On Saturday he and his friend Luie came to the kid’s service and afterward he invited me to his house for lunch. Although I was dirty and sweaty from the service, we went to his house and I got to meet his mom and a neighbor girl that looks like my niece Peyton.

On Sunday I went to help him out with a special kids event that they had at the church of his girlfriend’s father. I’m trying to get pictures from this day since I got to be a superhero for the kids.  That evening they invited me to go swimming at the Holiday Inn and then out to eat.  It was a lot of fun, and I was glad to get to know his girlfriend, Nancy, better too!

On Monday I went to a lake with some friends, including Lester, and we had a cook-out and went swimming. It was a fun day, here are some pictures and videos for your viewing pleasure: click here