Matagalpa trip with Friends

Last weekend I went to Matagalpa with my good friends Oscar and Arlen and their kids, Oscar also invited another friend of ours, Yeril. We’d had the trip planned for a couple months because there was going to be a birthday party for one of Arlen’s nieces, but they decided to change the date of the party. Arlen is 8 1/2 months pregnant so we weren’t sure if we should still go, she’d been feeling like the baby, Sindey Kathleen (named after me), would come soon. We risked it and went anyway.

We left early on Sunday morning, so on Saturday after the youth service I went and stayed at Oscar and Arlen’s and we left at 6 am to take the bus across town to meet Yeril and take another bus to Matagalpa. We mostly spent our time relaxing at Arlen’s sister’s house drinking coffee, watching TV, and talking. But we also took a walk to Arlen’s brother’s house across town. About half-way there I thought were were close so I said to Jacksel, the oldest child of Oscar and Arlen and the only one who went on the walk with us, “let’s run” so we did that a couple times. Little did I know that we were going to climb to the top of the mountain! It was well worth it in the end. We also got to visit Arlen’s grandmother, and spend some time in a central park afterwards. It was a great trip and we took a ton of pictures, mostly Oscar took pictures like a tourist.

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