Dr. Seuss vs. Youth… and Pan Chiquito

A couple of weeks ago I took on a new challenge… preaching to the youth. I didn’t do too bad, the last two weeks I took on a whole new challenge… reading Dr. Seuss, Horton Hears a Who, in Spanish to 5 year olds. Which is harder?? By FAR Dr. Seuss!!! Two weeks ago I started reading the book to the kids during Segundo Paso and this week when it was time to finish one of the kids asked if we were going to finish the story about the elephant. I was happy that they were actually asking me to read it! We were able to finish the story but it was much much harder than speaking to the youth. Thankfully 5 year olds are pretty forgiving with my Spanish.

On another note… This week a couple of the girls in Segundo Paso asked me where Pan Chiquito (little bread) was so I asked them who that was and they informed me that it was my husband. He was giving guitar lessons to a couple of the boys and these girls were going to be next and wanted to know where he was. When I asked him later about the nickname he told me that they had asked his name so that’s what he told them it was. I’ve seen the girls a couple more times since Wednesday and they always ask about Pan Chiquito!

By travelingkatie Posted in Blog

The Things You See..

Unfortunately, this happened too fast to get a picture. But I’m constantly amused by the things I see working as a missionary here in Nicaragua. My most recent shock/cause for laughing:

A flash goes by my office window and I realize it’s my husband running past in a super hero costume, quickly followed by Chase with a video camera!


By travelingkatie Posted in Blog